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Run With Pain

“It was not the thorn bending to the honeysuckle, but the honeysuckle embracing the thorn.”
Wuthering Heights

This week I wanted to discuss a quote from my ALL TIME FAVORITE novel, Wuthering Heights.

I chose this quote in particular because sometimes in life we think that we’ll heal from past traumas. That if we cry it all out, try to laugh, try to smile, try to tell ourselves that it doesn’t hurt, then eventually it won’t.

That’s not true. Well, not really.

Yes, sometimes shit happens. We cry about it and a week later we’re good to go. But most of the time it doesn’t happen that way. Most of the time pain doesn’t completely heal itself. Months and years pass and when we look back on that event, IT STILL HURTS.

That’s okay

 Pain demands to be felt and we need to allow ourselves to feel it. All of it.

I’ve learned one too many times that pushing emotions to the side and pretending everything’s fine only creates bigger holes within us until we eventually get sucked up and lost within it.

Life sucks. Life is hard. Life hurts.

Every second we live has a purpose. Everything we do, we do for a reason. Nothing happens in vain. Nothing.

God. Angels. Spirit Guides. The Universe. Whatever you want to call it, these things don’t allow bad situations to happen just to torture you. Unless you are a terrible person, then maybe. No, but seriously, trust me. I know it’s hard to believe. I still struggle with it on the daily, but things don’t happen TO YOU, they happen FOR YOU

When annoying things happen, we can sit here and cry, scream, and hate every cute thing in this world. Or we can use it to give us the strength to be better, to transform ourselves. 

It doesn’t mean that the pain just disappears. That we throw it as far as we can and dip out on it. No. Feel it. Take it with you. Use it in the next chapter of your life. Pain makes the best stories. It also makes the strongest people. 

Run with it.

Be the honeysuckle. Embrace the thorn.


I'd Love to Hear from You!

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Writing and getting to connect with people on a special level is something that I love to do. Nothing in this world beats being able to be your true, authentic self and have someone not only appreciate, but be able to relate to it in one way or another. It is my absolute dream, no, my goal to be able to do this as a career one day. Until then, if you'd like, you don't have to though (trust me, I know the struggle), you can visit the link by clicking here and donate to my blog. By doing this, you're helping me be able to one day stop doing freelance and be able to solely focus on my blog. Either way, thank you for stopping by and checking out what I have to say. I really appreciate it.

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